Hormone therapy RSM, CA - HormoneHarmony

Overview of Hormone Imbalances

Hormone imbalances can negatively impact quality of life. Symptoms may include fatigue, trouble sleeping, weight gain, anxiety, and reduced libido. Causes range from aging to chronic stress. Basic lab tests can reveal deficiencies needing treatment.

Restoring balance under a doctor's care can relieve issues and help patients feel more energetic and healthy. Treatment plans are customized to each patient's needs and situation. Relief from symptoms is often the first sign that hormones are returning to optimal levels.

Diagnosing Imbalances with Lab Testing

Comprehensive lab testing is crucial for identifying hormone deficiencies or excess. Targeted blood and saliva tests measure levels of key hormones like estrogen, testosterone, cortisol, thyroid hormones, and more. Testing also checks vitamins and minerals used in hormone production.

Doctors versed in hormone balance protocols understand optimal lab ranges and which levels indicate supplementation. They can order the right tests and accurately interpret the results. Treatment plans are then customized accordingly.

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Key Hormones and Their Roles

Estrogen - In females, estrogens regulate uterine health, menstrual cycles, bone density, skin elasticity, and more. Low estrogen causes issues like hot flashes, vaginal dryness, and osteoporosis for some women.

Testosterone - Needed for libido, energy, mood, and metabolism in both sexes. Low testosterone in men contributes to weight gain, low energy, reduced muscle mass, depression, and erectile dysfunction.

Thyroid hormones - Regulate mood, weight, energy, digestion, and body temperature. Imbalances cause temperature sensitivity, constant fatigue, hair loss, and many other problems.

Cortisol - The body's main stress hormone. Chronic high cortisol causes symptoms like abdominal weight gain, anxiety, insomnia, and high blood pressure.

Progesterone (women) - Works with estrogen for regular menstrual cycles and fertility. Low progesterone levels can prevent full-term pregnancy.

DHEA - A precursor for estrogen and testosterone. DHEA improves energy, immunity, cognitive function, skin health, and bone density. Levels decline significantly with age.

Individualized Treatment Options

Bioidentical hormones - Plant-derived formulas molecularly identical to hormones produced by the body. Available in gels, pellets, patches, pills and creams. Better tolerated than synthetic hormones. Restores optimal levels without side effects when properly dosed.

Nutrient therapies - Deficiencies in vitamins, minerals and amino acids hinder hormone production. Targeted supplementation restores what the body needs to produce key hormones itself. Often used alongside bioidenticals.

Compounded formulas - Custom mixing bioidentical hormones in specific ratios and doses tailored to each patient's deficiency test results and needs. More precise than standard doses.

Adjunctive therapies like improved diet, exercise, and stress reduction. These support overall wellness and help sustain hormone balance long-term.

Importance of Specialized Hormone Doctors

The intricacies of hormone imbalance treatment require doctors specifically focused on remaining current in this rapidly advancing field of medicine. When choosing a practitioner, confirm expertise in:

HormoneHarmony clinic physicians have over 15 years of specialized training and experience in hormone restoration protocols. Patients benefit from better testing, safer treatment, and enhanced wellbeing under expert medical guidance.

Get tested and start personalized hormone therapy today.

Estrogen Imbalance

Signs and Symptoms

Declining estrogen early in menopause or due to ovarian failure causes several bothersome issues:

Milder estrogen deficiency develops more gradually during perimenopause. Symptoms may include irregular periods, trouble sleeping, weight gain, and emotional instability.

Testing Blood Levels

Women with concerning symptoms should have blood tests checking estrogen along with FSH, LH, progesterone and testosterone. Levels can fluctuate greatly during perimenopause before declining permanently after menopause.

Ideally blood is drawn on day 3 of the menstrual cycle to measure hormones at consistent points each month. This clarifies whether shifts are due to normal cycling versus true deficiency indicating need for supplementation.

Bioidentical Estrogen Treatment Considerations

Bioidentical estrogens derived from yams or other plant sources provide molecularly identical hormones to those naturally produced by the body. Available orally and transdermally.

Close monitoring checks treatment effectiveness and avoids risks from excessive dosing. Blood levels should not exceed norms for patient’s age. Patients get relief from symptoms at proper levels.

Low Testosterone in Men

Diagnosing Deficiency

Men over 40 should have annual blood tests checking total and free testosterone along with other hormones. Symptoms possibly signaling low levels before lab confirmation include:

Optimal testosterone levels keep men feeling energetic, mentally sharp, emotionally balanced, and sexually interested. Restoring beneficial hormones enhances masculine vitality.

Testosterone Replacement Therapy

Testosterone pellets, injections, gels or patches reverse deficiency symptoms when properly administered under a doctor’s care.

Testosterone therapy should strictly follow established medical guidelines to avoid increased cardiac or prostate risks from excessive dosing.

HormoneHarmony physicians have extensive advanced training in maintaining safe, effective testosterone restoration regimens for deficient men.

Adrenal and Thyroid Imbalances

Testing Adrenal Hormones

The adrenals produce over 50 vital hormones, including cortisol, DHEA and aldosterone. Imbalances cause issues like:

Comprehensive adrenal testing (saliva and/or blood) is essential to detect specific deficiencies needing treatment. Cortisol and DHEA levels vary widely throughout each day, so testing must capture shifts at proper times.

Thyroid Disorder Impacts

The small thyroid gland regulates metabolism, weight, digestion, body temperature, mood and mental functioning via hormones T3 and T4. Women develop thyroid disorders as much as 10 times more often than men.

Deficiency symptoms may develop gradually over months or years. Patients often attribute early signs like weight gain or fatigue to normal aging or stress before proper testing and treatment.

Nutritional Support for Hormones

Vitamins and Minerals

Hormone production requires adequate levels of certain vitamins (A, E, B-complex, C, D) and minerals (zinc, magnesium, selenium) as essential cofactors. Deficiencies hinder optimal hormone balance.

Targeted nutritional supplementation restores micronutrient status. Multivitamins rarely provide high enough amounts of key nutrients needed for hormone optimization.

Amino Acids

Amino acids like L-arginine and L-citrulline boost nitric oxide levels, improving blood flow essential for sexual response, genital sensation, and protecting cardiovascular health.

Tyrosine counteracts depletion from stress hormones. Tryptophan elevates serotonin naturally reducing anxiety and depression. Glutamine aids gut repair and immune resilience.

Essential Fatty Acids

Omega-3 essential fatty acids from fish oils potently lower inflammation levels. Chronic inflammation prevents efficient hormone signaling.

Evening primrose, borage or black currant oils provide gamma-linolenic acid converted to anti-inflammatory prostaglandins.

Lifestyle Strategies Supporting Hormone Health


Getting 7-9 hours nightly sustains hormone production and responsiveness. Insufficient sleep elevates cortisol, decreases testosterone, and disrupts cycles.

Assuring adequate melatonin levels also promotes restful sleep. Tart cherry juice boosts melatonin naturally. Supplements can also help those struggling with insomnia.


Regular moderate aerobic activity and strength training balance hormone levels naturally. Inactive adults average 100% higher risk of depression, anxiety, diabetes, heart disease and dementia according to large research reviews.

Aim for 30-60 minutes daily mixing cardio, weights or resistance bands, yoga stretches, etc. Move more during the day. Take regular walking breaks. Gradually increase activity levels for long-term results.

Healthy Nutrition

Eat ample lean proteins, fiber-rich complex carbs and beneficial fats like olive oil and omega-3s. These provide building blocks supporting optimal hormone function. Minimize sugar, refined grains and trans or saturated fats. Stay well hydrated with clean filtered water.

Stress Reduction

Excess cortisol and catecholamines from chronic stress inhibit thyroid function, decrease serotonin and reproductive hormones.

Relaxation practices like meditative breathing, guided imagery, massage and nature exposure lower stress hormone levels. Consider cognitive behavioral therapy or counseling targeting thought patterns or behaviors increasing perceived stress.


Hormone deficiencies often develop gradually, seeming like normal aging. Restoring balance under a doctor’s care can resolve troublesome symptoms and help people feel their best regardless of age.

The specialized practitioners at HormoneHarmony offer testing, diagnosis and treatments personalized for each patient's unique hormone imbalance issues. Our extensive experience achieves life-enhancing benefits while carefully avoiding risks.

Contact our friendly staff today to schedule a consultation exploring whether hormone optimization could help you enjoy more energy, easier weight management and better quality of life.

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